Via Ponte Vecchio 5/C, Urbania (PU)
Phone 389 7958928

Events in urbania

Many will be the events planned to enliven the evenings in Urbania, organized in full compliance with anti-Covid regulations, to enrich a summer 2021.

It begins with two events dedicated to children and families made in collaboration with the Municipal Library of Urbania, located inside the Palazzo Ducale. There will be many initiatives dedicated to children, including the special snack at the Casa della Befana on August 6 and 27 at 4:30 pm.

Concerts, including the review of the Durante Festival realized with the collaboration of the Ente Concerti of Pesaro, the initiative “Teatro Vivo” which involves many artists durantini that will rehearse in the theater and then perform for free in the courtyard of the Palazzo Ducale, numerous “Meetings with the Author” aimed at presenting new and interesting books, the review “Cinema under the stars” and the Festival of the Crostolo, made by ProLoco Casteldurante, which returns on 4 and 5 September 2021.

Urbania is waiting for you!

For information and to book some of the events included in the summer schedule:

IAT – Ufficio Turismo del Comune di Urbania Vittorio Emanuele II, 21
0722 313140